Engineering blogs of Big Companies

Engineering blogs of Big Companies

A list of the best engineering blogs of the top IT Companies High Scalability The GitHub Blog Engineering at Quora Yelp Engineering Blog Twitter Engineering Facebook Engineering Yammer Engineering Etsy Code as Craft Foursquare Engineering Blog Airbnb Engineering...
Pablo’s Journey to IBM India

Pablo’s Journey to IBM India

Last month I had the chance to work from Bangalore. I shared some time with the amazing IBM team responsible of the Apple+IBM Mobile development. It was such a great experience! I loved the time there and I really hope to be back soon.  ...
C and C++ Elements to Avoid

C and C++ Elements to Avoid

The List of Bad Elements No Indentation Indentation means that the contents of every block are promoted from their containing environment by using a shift of some space. This makes the code easier to read and follow. Code without indentation is harder to read and so...