Recently Devpost published a list of the most popular APIs used at hackathons during 2014 and 2015 based on 13.500 users from 160 different events.

Good cheatsheet in case you are looking for the most famous API’s.

Technology & API rankings

Mobile platforms

% of users who said they like to hack on a given platform:

Platform % of total users
Android 38.2
iOS 22.7
Windows Phone 4.9

Programming languages

11 Ruby
12 XML
13 Ajax
14 Shell
15 Processing
16 Lua
17 CoffeeScript
18 Go
20 OpenGL
21 R
22 Groovy
24 Perl
25 WebGL
26 Applescript
27 Scala
29 JSP
30 LaTeX

Communications APIs

1 Twilio
2 Yo
3 SendGrid
4 Moxtra
5 Mailjet

Social APIs

1 Facebook
2 Twitter
3 Reddit
4 Instagram
5 Google+

Payment APIs

1 Venmo
2 Paypal
3 Stripe
4 Braintree
5 Blockchain

iOS frameworks

1 Core Location
2 Mapkit
3 UIkit
4 Core Data
5 AV Foundation

Game engines

1 Unity
2 Pygame
3 libGDX
4 GameMaker
5 Unreal Engine

Command line utilities

1 cURL
2 Makefile
3 Gradle
4 Yeoman
5 ngrok

Text editors

1 Sublime Text
2 Vim
3 Notepad++
4 Brackets
5 Atom


Miscellaneous APIs & tech

Not all of the tags used by student hackers fit in a particular category or have many peers. Here are a few more technologies that were tagged in multiple hacks: